Designed for Schools
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During his former career as a math teacher (now an assistant to the superintendent), CEO Joe Prisinzano envisioned how the web could be used as an educational information tool--far beyond its functional use for research--to enhance the school experience for the whole community. As such, he set out to find a signature school with a similar vision for which he and his team could build a multitude of features designed specifically for increased communication among teachers, parents, students, administrators, and community. What developed was a comprehensive package affecting every aspect of the the school environment.

Over the two year period of the experiment, the site went through many revisions all designed at providing more information and easier use. Recently, using suggestions from students, the classroom calendar pages were redesigned with color coding for tests, quizzes, long term assignements, and homework. Teachers, on the other hand, asked for the ability to place more than the name, date and time of an event on the districtwide event calendar. Hence, we created the ability for a teacher or administrator to enter a description of an event, dynamically turning the event into a web link. It is through suggestions such as these that we have continually improved our Complete Solution to be the robust package that it is.

With the help of school and user feedback, we pledge to continue to innovate and improve our Complete Solution. Best of all, as we improve, so does your site. All updates will be applied without any intervention by you or any additional cost to you.
